Up and down in the dales
By Gervase Phinn
- A review of the story and the place where the story has been set.
“There is always something or somebody who manages to spoil one’s equilibrium when things seem to be going really well. You are cycling along a country lane without a care in the world. The birds are singing, the sun is shining, the wind blowing through your hair, when suddenly somebody pushes a thundering great stick through your spokes and you’re over the handlebars.” -GERVASE PHINN
The above words are the origin to the story of Mr. Gervase Phinn who works as a school inspector in Yorkshire and leads a satisfactory life in the beautiful place with a job, home, friends and a small growing family (since his wife is pregnant and he is all excited about it).Though the story is all about how Mr. Phinn travels to different schools regarding inspection and meet new children and his set of unpleasant experiences from time to time which tend disturb his equilibrium. But at every level you find a constant reference to the beauty of the place and quick comments on the architecture of the place.
Talking about some details of the experience of the place as the story proceeds, Mr. Phinn, a good humoured person who has to visit various schools everyday and on every visit he just can’t forget to notice how he loves the place as it is. Everything according to him about the scenery is perfect, the moors, the peak, the seasons, the twisting roads. As quoted by the narrator, “It was a particularly cold morning in Yorkshire ‘a cheeky wind’ as I drove along the twisting roads from Hawksrill to Fettlesham. The views in the Dales are stunning and never cease to fill me with awe. I love traveling in this vast country with its soft green valley, soaring fells, dark pine forests, and empty moors flooded with bright purple heather in autumn. Every journey is different and every scene has a unique beauty. What a place to work”. The words used by the narrator are extremely engulfing and you feel as if you are standing right there n front of a bright green ocean extending upwards. And above is the pale blue sky extremely clear and beautiful, something that would leave you gaping. Gives you the most heavenly image of the place in your mind and you can’t stop thinking of going to one such place. Also there is reference to how the trees would go golden when autumn arrives, as to how the scene changes from green to yellow. And a constant reference to the sheep in dales since the community is majorly agrarian and when you see sheep flocking from quite a height it seems like rice has been spread on the perfect green.
Thank you and do come up with comments for improvemt
keep smling!!!
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