Sunday, December 25, 2016

Under construction..(literally)

If we can steal a moment of happiness in our imperfect lives, that’s to live for. We are all seeking something. And expecting and over expecting from ourselves, slowly going away from our truths.

If you are a squirrel you cannot become a rabbit. You can may be get close. But on your journey don’t forget that you started a squirrel. Otherwise you will be nowhere and one day you won’t be able to relate to any of them.

I have embarked upon a journey where I am discovering new things about life and myself on a daily basis. I am talking about very small things, probably insignificant to most, but some of those have been a challenge for me.

I recently discovered my love for cycling, I found out that I have become selective about people, my brain has refused to understand the feeling of 'LOVE' but friendship it understands. I realized how happiness sometimes becomes subjective. I found out there is so much joy in facing our fears. I discovered expression. I discovered myself.

I believe it comes down to what makes you happy? What is it that can make you feel comfortable. Happiness comes from within. Only you can make yourself happy and no one else. Whether you choose to be with someone or away. Whether you choose to work or travel. These are all conscious decisions we take all the time which govern our happiness. Still, we complain and we sulk. When I go into that mode, I read a quotation I have stuck on my wardrobe.

" When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation or accept it. All else is madness". - Echart Tolle.

I think this guy said it first. But its brilliant. For many years I was oblivious to it and never gave any thought to my feelings or what I felt or why i feared what I feared. 

We understand our true potential only when we are bestowed with responsibility. But not just potential, we also understand our fears. The fears we have been hiding away from. Running away from like they were ghosts. These ghosts will keep haunting you till you learn to face them. They will keep smacking you from behind in the most unwanted manner till you learn to overcome them or give in. 

What I also learnt along my journey was that everyone is there but If you are not helping yourself, no one can and no one would and I think no one should. If you can't fight your own battles, no one would fight them for you. It's high time we start getting comfortable in our squirrel pants and stop craving for the rabbit's coat. Its only furry on the outside, inside it feels the same. 

It boils down to? 

Being comfortable. Being accepting. Being compassionate. Being patient. Listening more. Observing more. Being down to Earth. Being thankful. Being fearless. Expressing yourself. Having the courage to speak if something is wrong. Saying 'NO' to something you dislike. Being accommodating. Being considerate.


  1. Swati u were exemplary in ur write uo...loved it totally. U rock swtheart :)

  2. Ma'am, I always been your admirer and this one gives me another reason to be.

  3. Nicely done !
    The journey is long...hopefully many more posts and discoveries to come ;)
